AMD Batch 2 Guild

Mine arrived with 3.0.2 flashed. I haven’t seen any reports of batch 2 devices having 3.0.3.

Just found a report of someone receiving their laptop yesterday with Bios 3.0.3.


Ordered on 2023-03-30, charged yesterday, shipping confirmation also yesterday 2023-10-24.
It already made its way to china, now I’m doomed to DoS the tracking service with refresh calls :frowning:

Tracking claims it will arrive on friday, which would be ~3 days from taiwan to germany. Anyone know if thats realistic?

It was 5 days for me to Germany, but with the weekend in between. Should be doable I’d say.

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Mine got shipped on the same day (in fact we ordered on the same day), to be delivered in France and will be landing in Cologne in about an hour (I am following it on flightradar xD). Maybe we’re on the same plane? You can tell if tracking tells you it left Guangzhou on the 25th at 6:55am.

In any case, considering it’s almost in Cologne in about 30h for me, Friday seems reasonable!

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Mine got shipped on the same day (in fact we ordered on the same day), to be delivered in France and will be landing in Cologne in about an hour (I am following it on flightradar xD). Maybe we’re on the same plane? You can tell if tracking tells you it left Guangzhou on the 25th at 6:55am.

In any case, considering it’s almost in Cologne in about 30h for me, Friday seems reasonable!

Seems to be the same plane indeed. “package departed from the facility” at 6:55 this morning. How did you find the plane on flightradar? Just checked departures at that airport & time?

I could be in cologne in ~1 hour… you think they would let me pick it up from there? :wink:

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Yeah there are not that many planes operated by FedEx leaving at exactly that time from this airport and going in the general direction of Europe.

Found it indeed. Thanks!

You’re probably getting tomorrow then!

Trying to not get my hopes up to high, I still expect them to run it to a few other EU countries just for good measure. :smiley:

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Just had my order shipped notification!
Order placed 27th March for 7840U DIY with some ram and expansion cards. Was charged for it the night before last. Fedex is estimating delivery in the UK on Monday.

Ryzen 7 DIY - shipped (to UK) !! From the sounds of it, could be in my loving arms THIS WEEKEND. No way…

Mine just get teleported from Cologne (where it arrived by plane) to Paris for customs clearance. Made the trip in 13 minutes! The technology that Framework employs to deliver is impressive!

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2000km/hr or so, right ? Guess the AMD speed leaks outside the laptop :slight_smile:


Ah sorry, my fault, must have been to deliver mine.

Jokes aside the official FedEx website says it’s still in Cologne. It’s probably that tracking aggregator that is messing with it.

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Just noticed the actual FexEx site (FedEx | System Down) lists a delivery day, whereas as given by FW doesn’t.

Monday’s the day !

For me aftership shows the delivery day as well, but that took a few hours.

Ordered March 31st, payment was yesterday, shipping today, aftership says by friday its here

Woohoo shipped today. Says it should get to Eastern Canada on Monday but I’m hoping it comes a day early like it has for many others.

@instanoodles: There’s a difference between what AfterShip shows and Fedex website shows. Left Taiwan yesterday and last scan today in Anchorage AK. Destination BC, Canada Aftership shows delivery Wednesday yet Fedex shows Tuesday before 5pm delivery.

It’s interesting to see delivery dates don’t vary much on location. My BC delivery being as long as Eastern Canada delivery.