Batch 1 of Framework Laptop 13 (AMD Ryzen™ 7040 Series) Refresh

Let’s share the excitement!

I’m waiting for my Framework 13 AMD and the new Screen. I’m planing to run either Fedora or Mint on it. August starts tomorrow so let’s hope for an early August surprise.

CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 7 7840U
RAM: 2x16GB

I’m an Academic based in Germany and plan to replace my work laptop with the FW13.


Seems the Batch 2 is also slated for August now (was Q3 before)

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I’m eagerly awaiting mine as well. A colleague got the AMD 13 today with the old screen and he’s been raving about how good it’s is.

Will likely dual boot Windows 11 and Ubuntu.

Working in cyber security so currently planning on using it for spinning up VMs and testing things I can’t easily do on my corporately managed device.

Will be interesting to see how it stacks up against the Ultra 5 135H I’m using as my daily driver at the moment.

CPU: AMD Ryzen™ 7 7840U
HDD: 2TB Crucial T500
RAM: 2x48GB Crucial

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I ordered the FW13 with the old screen two days before the announcement of the upgrade. Had to send it back, but it was sitting there in its box for two weeks and I really wanted to open that package to built the laptop.

Have you heard about the marshmallow test they did with kids to test their ability to delay gratification?
This was my marshmallow test.

Really nice setup btw. Do you need that much RAM for the VMs?

I don’t think I could have sent it back… I’d have definitely eaten the marshmallow.

The ram is definitely overkill, it was a combination of the price being not too much more and my local computer store not having 32gb modules in stock when I bought them.

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I’m Batch 2, but I’m here for the excitement! :smiley:
FW 13 7840U 2.8K display.


If you start building a whole network of VMs, you will appreciate the ram. Spin up a production network from backups and then do a zero disruption offline pen test.

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I am batch 3. SO EXCITED!

CPU: Ryzen 7 7840U
RAM: 2x16GB Kingston FURY Impact (fingers crossed for compatibility :crossed_fingers:)


The last one (aka the marshmallow) was delivered 6 business days after I ordered.

Since we haven’t heard any news and they said they will notify people 3 days before charging the card, I’m afraid it will be mid/end of August :frowning:

I guess maybe they start next week, unless there are somekind of delays in the new screens.

Or notifications for payment end of this week and shipping next week :hugs:


That would be nice. I’m really looking forward to seeing the new screens and to put it all together.


Hooray :partying_face:

I got news, Batch 1 is being prepared for shipping and should arrive between 4 and 21 days from today. Just got the mail.


Yay! So excited! Now for the next waiting phase :smiley:

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Super excited for batch 1 people! Now get outta my way, Batch 2 coming through!!! Hahaha

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Batch 1 received their batch preparation emails today, let’s goooo!!!


Uu nice. Hopefully Batch 2 won’t be that far behind.

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i got my batch 1 display upgrade email today. very keen!

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Do reviewers also get units with Batch 1 or do you send them models ahead of time with an Embargo?

You just want to read those reviews, right?

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Yes and have confirmed that the laptop I got is as amazing as I think it is. :wink: