Framework Laptop 16 Batch Shipment Chart

No charge email. I just kept checking my bank app until poof :dash:

Batch 16 shipped.
May 17 Taiwan time


Batch 15 received in France.

Debian Testing (Trixie) installed.

No surprises during the Debian installation, is goes smoothly.

No surprises at boot, I can login (into Gnome), I haven’t tester further yet, I’m just rsyncing my home now :smiley:


Batch 16 arrived for you already?!

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Sorry, typo, batch 15, corrected, ooops :smiley:


2:30pm PDT “Customs Clearance Delay” in AK or TN

It’s unclear from tracking log on either FedEx or AfterShip apps whether I need to take any action. Anyone know?


With the fw13 I had similar thing , sitting in customs…. It sorted it self out… seems some documents did not arrive together with the laptop ??

No idea if the same for you, but when I logged on to fedex on their website, it said I did not have to do anything


I have the same problem. When I look at the order in the FedEx site it says an indirect signature is required. Hopefully it gets worked out soon or a way to solve the problem becomes known because I can’t wait to get my hands on this machine!

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Mine had the same thing and it worked itself out. I finally just got it today! It did end up requiring a signature when I received it.

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Batch 16 laptop arrived today. May 18th, unfortunately I can only unbox it later today.

Shipped from Taiwan to Taiwan, SF express.


My batch 1 closeout ran into similar issues clearing US Customs. Apparently there’s some anti-dumping paperwork that needed to be completed on mine before it could proceed further into the United States. The problem resolved itself early on the next business day. The whole process delayed my delivery by about 24 hours.


UPDATE 5-18-2024: Batch 16 Arrivals on the 17th

The first laptops(laptop?) from batch 16 arrived yesterday, although it was Taiwan-to-Taiwan shipping. I’m still keeping this date (translated by comment time to my timezone for consistency) since it was reported in good faith, but please keep in mind that most of batch 16 will probably receive their new laptops next week.

Deltas Chart

Domestic shipping can be fast, so this data point has pulled the average card-arrival delta down by 0.1 again!

Average Email-Card Delta: 4.4
Average Card-Arrival Delta: 3.4
Average Batch-Batch Delta (Excluding Batch 1-4): 4.8

Far Predictions

I’m extending this far chart to batch 21 to play it safe, but I think it’s likely that batch 21 will not be opened before preorders are finished and Framework switches to on-demand fulfillment. It’s fun to see that even this close to the end the lines are still crossing.

Data is gathered from the FW16 Batch guilds here on the Framework Forums.
The Google Sheet containing all the data and charts is linked in the first post of this topic.


I really hope the graphs are right and we in batch 19 get our emails before June 1st. Will be an amazing end to the school year if that’s the case.


How long does it typically take for all the units in a given batch to get shipped out?

I’m in Batch 16, and many people are seeing shipping notifications and, as you note above, even already receiving their goods (mainly within Taiwan). My payment has cleared, but my unit has not shipped. I’d appreciate any insight anyone might have to share!

I think we’re all in trouble…


Now, see, given that I was VERY cranky about issues with the 1TB storage module last year, I could almost believe that :smiley:


I was charged May 13 then received my laptop on May 14. I’m in the US


Holy smokes that’s fast!
Did you have a pre-built?
Did you have a gpu module?
What region of the US?

uk shipped

Which batch?