Hello, Newbie here. I’m looking to do something very similar to this project that I’m calling the FrameSlate. The main difference is that instead of having the mainboard and battery on the same plane, they’re stacked to make a thicker, but shorter form factor. The idea is that it could fit into a particularly deep pocket, or at the very least look relatively innocuous in some sort of belt pouch.
I’ve already found a screen with the general dimensions that I’m looking for, but any suggestions/critiques would be greatly appreciated.
I’ve been wanting to do the same thing with a raspberry pi and a pcie cellular card for a while, but just recently got this exact same idea so I can dodge the battery issue and not potentially be daily driving a firebomb. For me, the goal is a portable computer that can call and text because I loathe smartphones, and any kind of mad science Frankenstein device that achieves that is worth consideration to me.