FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Well hopefully this week is finally our week. :grinning:


I got the DIY version today and put in 98GB of DDR5 RAM, 2 x 2TB SSD’s and got Endeavour OS installed (prior a Manjaro fan, but wanted to switch). So far no complaints, instructions were easy to follow and get everything running. Only issue, which I haven’t looked into too much yet was getting the LED matrix’s to run inside Linux. Sad that others in the UK were reporting like 2 day shipping and mine took 5, but that isn’t on Framework.


Yeah, March 4th came and gone in Taiwan and still no ship for us. Sad.

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I know, I just ran out of time to look too much into. Thanks for the link though.

‘Dawn’ of Day 2

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How many of you are still left waiting?
I’m curious when they’ll finally be done with Batch 1 and proceed to the next ones.
Hoping it won’t be too long now.

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Still waiting, clear keyboard and macropad…

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It’s been 32 days since Batch 1 started shipping and we’re just a few hours shy of Wednesday in Taiwan. They better start shipping shortly if they want to make their target. It’s hard to believe that that I’ve been waiting over a month on a keyboard with an expected availability date of “early February.”

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They have already “missed” every target they gave us so far. Confidence is pretty low they will make any target at this point. Why tell us they will be in on the 4th when clearly they are not?

I’m still waiting as well, clear rgb keyboard.


Still waiting as well, International English - Linux keyboard.

They stated the week of March 4th, not 4th itself per se:

If you’ve chosen to wait, out latest information puts the availability to ship delayed components at the week of March 4th.

So, if there are no more delays, it should be somewhere this week.

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Yea still waiting - Linux Keyboard for me.

I think at this point I’m getting downright mad and so tired of waiting.
Sure they said the week of March 4th and it’s only Tuwednesday, but the closer we get to the end of the week, the more I expect it to be delayed again because that’s what I’ve been trained to do by all their previous delays.

I want to enjoy this product and support this company but this launch has heavily soured my investment for sure.

When it’s all said and done I think I need a post-mortem of this.

It was a heavily desired product put onto a relatively small team, yes. So sure I get that there’s a whole bunch of manufacturing issues that I don’t understand. But where I come from in the software world you should have some expectation of what resources you need to meet demand, and if you don’t have them then you scale up. If you can’t scale up then you adjust expectations to your customers.

Ultimately I think they did a huge disservice in stating that they’d have Batch 1 out Q4 2023. Because we’re less than a month away from being in Q2 of 2024. That’s an insane delay.
I’d love to know how they came to their Q4 2023 estimate based on the number of pre-orders they had.

Rant over.


Same here.

Clear ANSI keyboard and RGB Macropad.

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I stand corrected. Thank you.


Exactly this. This delay really is insane. It’s almost as if they didn’t take into account any of the modules they need to ship the laptop. I assumed they would have those all ready to go in Q3 of 2023 and just need to finalize the actual laptop, but that wasn’t the case.


They made the q4 estimate before they had any preorders, that should have been obvious by the fact that the estimate was there before you put your order in, it was probably based on previous preorders of 13 series. I don’t think that entirely clears them of fault for mishandling this and not properly setting expectations as they hit delays, etc, but it is relevant to the exact statement at hand.

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Which doesn’t matter at a batch level. They already set the batch size and would be targeting per batch.

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Honestly it’s been so long since I put my preorder in that I didn’t remember they had the estimate before the preorders.

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Still waiting. Clear ANSI RGB keyboard and macropad. Hopefully it ships this week. Three days to go.

I have carbon fiber sheets arriving today or tomorrow to sandwich the machine in the computer bag. Yes, I’m insane, am overthinking things, any number of things. But, I tend to overstuff the bag, and the carbon fiber sandwich gives me some peace of mind.

Fingers crossed that I will be buying virtual drinks for other batch 1 people who have not yet received their machines. We’ll see. Have a great day, all!

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Curious, what is this?

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