FW16 Batch 3 Guild

The chinese are prolly bugging the devices. I really wish, FedEx would stop shipping stuff from Taiwan across China…

I’m Batch 2 and Fedex had no problem delivering it to me, and my street name also has an ẞ in it. FedEX definitely screwed something up here.
Sorry to hear this, hopefully you can get it resolved


Yeah, really hope Framework could just not refund me and send it again. Or just check the proof of delivery (e.g. who signed) so I can just get it myself (I couldn’t access it, only sender can). Seems like they choose the nuclear option right off the bat.
Loosing my pre-order position just because FedEx screwed up is kinda screwed up in it’s own right


Why would Framework even want it back? It’s yours, you clearly want it, they clearly want your money, why massively disappoint a customer only to go through the whole process of restocking it, maybe even as an open box or factory second and sell it at a discount when they can just make the full sale now? That’s just weird. They’ve gotta send it back to you.


I would request that the case be escalated if I were you. You should not have to cancel and re-order.


They’ll resend it once it arrives in their warehouse! “Replacement order” though, so their logistics probably doesn’t facilitate re-sending the exact same package… Lets hope FedEx gets it right this time

edit: Got it over easter, had some more troubles but in the end it’s all good. Very happy with it!