FW16 Batch 4 Guild

That’s what mine looks like under the midplate and what the one in LTT’s review looks like before Alex added thermal pads to counteract the flex. Mine has significantly more flex in those areas compared to other areas. So far it’s not enough for to bother me like it does for Alex. It would be nice to have the same firmness across the board like my FW13, so when FW releases the mod I’ll definitely pick it up. So far I’d say FW has released a solid product with the 16 that just needs some more refinement in a few areas that most people have already found.


I think my laptop is cursed lol. After setting everything up with an external keyboard and mouse, the right fan makes a horrible high pitch ticking noise whilst the left fan is silent. Someone is definitely out to get me

There has been a couple of reports of fan problems. Someone found there was some excess glue that had oozed into the fan blade path, and another found some tape had wrinkled and was being touched by the blades.


I had to cut a bit of paper to fix this on mine. Very easy to do, just just take the fan off and look for anything sticking up under it.

Mine was less than 0.5mm and may have been some backing from the black tape?

In any case, it’s super quiet now. Comparable to my 16" M2 MBP


I’ll try to disassemble it later. Heres hoping for the best :smile:

Edit: Yes! That was it, now it’s super quiet.


This is a great catch. And since it worked for @VeSeAr too, should it be mentioned to the Framework team? @Destroya, who should we contact to make aware of this situation to help improve the quality of the laptops to be shipped?

Received mine today, one day before it was scheduled. Seems fine just looking at it, at least!

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Definitely, something is up with FedEx. It was suppose to be delivered today by noon. It is stuck in Memphis because it has not “cleared customs”. At this point, that is an excuse and not a reason. I am fearing a bad result for this delivery. :frowning: