FW16 Batch 9 Guild

mee too for a delivery in France (so French keyboard is available and no impact due to the earthquake)

So excited to find the email when I got home from work.
Now trying to remember where I put the SSD and RAM to go in this laptop

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I also received an email today too. On my birthday :slight_smile:


Got my email a few days ago hoping they process the payment tomorrow!!!

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On average it’s 5 days from prep to shipping
Here’s hoping it’s that or quicker

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Hopefully the first cards will get charged tomorrow :crossed_fingers:t5:


Hope so too

Going to assume no one was charged?

Probably down to the (right thing to do) shut down of the factory.

I haven’t been charged yet. I keep checking my bank account like crazy lol

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I’m batch 8 and still waiting for shipping. So I guess you guys will charge after tomorrow which is Friday.

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Same here, I keep looking at my account also hahaha

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I also keep checking every couple of hours lol… I was handling the wait pretty well, up until I got the prep email and now I’m hyped again ^^ Can’t wait to finally retire my old Macbook

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Same. 2012 mbp fully kitted out still works fine… But it’ll be nice to be on the latest OS version and be able to watch a YouTube video without being tethered to the wall.


Mine is a little newer (ab. 2016 I think?) but I really started to prefer Linux a lot and running it on a mac just doesn’t feel good / right for me… I am so looking forward to being able to configure something about my OS again ^^

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Hey all, posted this in the shipping log chat as well. I noticed in that chat folks in our batch are getting their prep emails and maybe starting to get charged. However, I haven’t gotten my prep email yet. Do y’all know which components might be holding my order up?


Looks like we tried to send you the batch processing email but it was rejected by your email provider. it could be due to setting you have. We don’t have this problem with major email providers, but it sometimes happens with custom ones. Either way, your order is also being processed.

I use outlook, so mine will go to my spam folder, but I should get it. :sweat_smile:
Since I’m Batch 17, that won’t be for over a month though! I know to look for Frame.Work now.

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I just got charged!!!

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I just got charged too!

The wait is almost over!!!

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