Names For Laptop(s)

“Let go of the expansion card, HAL!”

“I’m sorry, Fernando, this USB-A expansion card is too important for me to allow you to jeapordize it.”


LOL, dang! I think it saw my lips moving when I was talking about disassembling it!


All of my computers are named after characters from the TV Show Silicon Valley. This laptop is “Big Head”. I’ve got Richard, Gilfoyle and Dinesh as other systems.

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I went the portal route myself. Although mine is Wheatley.


I loved Reboot and have named my laptop Mainframe.


On my current laptop (not yet a Framework) I set up a keyboard shortcut to say “I’m sorry Dave, but I can’t do that” out loud via espeak:

The full command I used:

bash -c "espeak \"I'm sorry Dave, but I cant do that\""

You’ll need espeak installed first, of course. :slight_smile:


My computers get named after characters from The Matrix, and my phones are called after ships from The Matrix.

  • I’ll name my framework laptop Mouse.

  • My current desktop is Trinity.

  • My previous laptop broke the rule somewhat and I called it Novalis, which is the name of a ship which was named after a German author. I picked this because, despite being from the UK, the laptop came with a German keyboard.

  • The laptop before that was called Switch. It doesn’t bother me that my computers end up getting called after devices or peripherals :stuck_out_tongue:

  • My current phone is called Avatar.

  • My previous phone was called Logos.


I was always a fan of Greek mythology. I’ve used Charon, Hades, and Atlas in the past, but named my Framework Gaia.


Given I first tested with Fedora 35 and was thinking about hats, I scrolled through the wikipedia list of hats and settled on beanie


I love it.

I’m planning on using Fedora once I get mine, so maybe I’ll do something similar.


First, thanks everyone for the inspiration and fun to read thread, it incouraged me to do the same, I always wanted to name stuff but never knew what to name them after

Now I decided my devices will be named after characters from the Avatar series, my main amd pc will be Zuko, amd is the “team red” and my case came with red LED coolers, also there were a lot of memes about amd cpu’s high temps

My Framework will be Korra, since only the Avatar can bend all 4 dongles elements


This made my day! This whole thread is a fun read.

“- Sent from Mainframe”

I’ve always named my computers Joshua, as a reference to War Games, the Matthew Broderick movie from '83, of which I am a big fan, and my current Framework is no different

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Love it. I name my devices after stagedives or stagediving rather. So stage001, stage002. Like Fraoch, if someone is able to compromise my network them knowing my naming scheme is the least of my worries.


I think I’m going to call mine Sensor after my first API I wrote (Sensor Engine) a 2d renderer using only the CPU cuz I couldn’t figure out how to use the GPU then.


I ended up naming mine after a character from the Touhou universe (as per custom in our household).

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As a pentester, and someone who’s been playing waaaay too much Cyberpunk lately, I settled on Netrunner for mine


I have a very creative way of naming my devices. My Lenovo T420s is called T420s. My Lenovo M900 which is in use as Proxmox server is called M900. My Framework is most likely gonna be called Framework :yum:


Well, our Roomba’s name is Jarvis, my son’s drone is FRIDAY, so we’ve decided the laptop that gets sent in pieces from far away and is assembled on site shall be… Veronica.

Yes, I am a MASSIVE Marvel fanboy.

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My current laptop’s hostname is “cheaptop”. Because it is a 600 euro Acer. Name inspired by my girlfriend’s Lenovo, which she named “craptop” because it is a 200 euro Lenovo. (That she pretty quickly yeeted windows out of because 4GiB RAM, and replaced it with Manjaro Linux. Before that, it was very much total crap.)

My desktop has hostname “blingstation”. Because it is my gaming battlestation (i use Arch btw), and has LOTS of RGB. :stuck_out_tongue:

I usually name my machines based on something that “makes sense” in the moment. Like, a previous machine had “Sahara” as it’s hostname, because it was a Sandy Bridge system. A previous laptop was “spetznas” because I bought it from UK-based “PC specialist” and it just sounded slightly similar to that.

My kubernetes cluster (all Raspberry Pi 4’s) has hostnames “bossmang” and “beratna1” through 3, while the NFS server (also Raspberry Pi 4) is “storinator”.