[SOLVED] Help - Windows install via USB-C flash

Can it be done using usb-c or does it need to be done on usb 3?

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It should work with a usb-c flash drive

It will work!

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As long as the system can boot the device, it should work.

My initial install on a DIY 11th Gen batch 1 used a USB-A flash drive written by windows media creation tool on another device.

I’m having issues.
I installed UUbyte & used it to burn the Windows 11 iso file onto my USB drive from my husband’s MacBook. But when I try to boot the Framework from the usb, I get a message that drivers are missing. Can someone help or should I contact Framework support?

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I boot to the usb drive & this blue window opens up. I choose next

And I choose Install now

Installation starts

Then this message opens

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External drivers shouldn’t be required at this stage, although they will be later on.

It looks like the installer isn’t able to locate your hard disk. Are you using a Framework-supplied one or did you bring your own? See if it’s being detected in the BIOS. If it’s not, try re-seating it in the m.2 socket. They do require a modicum of force to insert correctly. You shouldn’t see any of the golden pins if it’s completely inserted.

Also, if you haven’t already, I’d recommend reviewing Framework’s documentation on installing Windows which is available here - Windows 11 Installation on the Framework Laptop DIY Edition - Framework Guides

Extra also - super jealous of your transparent bezel!

100% FW supplied

I love it!

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That makes things simpler. Try the re-seat if it’s not showing in the BIOS.

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SSD re-seated

Same results

Still says “A media driver your computer needs is missing”

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Media driver missing is usually not a hardware issue but an issue with the USB drive. I’d usually recommend Rufus or WoeUSB if you’re on Linux, but since you’re using a mac… Maybe there’s a different setting in UUByte you can try? Or you can get your hands on another computer to flash using Rufus

Could it be an issue with the SSD? I’m not seeing it in the BIOS.

What setting should I be looking for?

The only place I see my SSD mentioned is in the boot devices menu, it’s not mentioned anywhere else.

I would make sure to use Partition table MBR and type FAT32.

I know I used FAT32 but I’m not sure about MBR. Trying that now

EDIT: That did not help. Making a trip into Minneapolis to visit my son. He has a windows computer so :crossed_fingers: that will fix my issue.

SO frustrating!!!

Next step is reaching out to FW directly. What are your experiences with that?

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Drat. Hopefully formatted from a Windows computer will work, Windows installers can be finnicky in my experience.

Framework support is great, but they’ve got about a week’s backlog of support tickets at the moment, so it may take a bit for them to get back to you.