FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Usually FedEx is the one to destroy your laptop - good luck

my observation is that this is highly regional. i know people who only get packages reliably delivered by fedex, other people who only get packages reliably delivered by ups, etc

just depends on how the particular facilities are being run and how dedicated the employees on your route are


Similar story here; I’m starting a new job in January 2024 (hopefully) and I had to order a temporary Acer laptop because I couldn’t wait any longer for the Framework Laptop 16. Of course, if the Framework Laptop 16 batch 1 (which I’m in) doesn’t ship out this month, I will have to return my temporary laptop back to Amazon on January 2nd to avoid getting charged for two laptops, which would mean I wouldn’t be able to play games on a laptop, do video editing, or any other GPU heavy task on a laptop until I get my Framework Laptop 16, which could be an issue. I would basically be tied to my desktop, which does have a powerful dGPU, but is certainly not portable.

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The FW16 parts are now in the marketplace. Very exciting. Also, apparently replacement mainboards are $750 and $950 respectively.


While I’m saddened that the graphics expansion card is very expensive, it’s really nice to see Framework is providing the “graphics board” alone for repair at a lower price!

Agreed! I was also happy to see that they’re going to be selling replacement fans & the GPU heatsink.

Last I heard they planned on adding them to the marketplace once shipment was close at hand. Perhaps this bodes well for nearby shipment dates?

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Nice, its moving forward!.. I dreamed that they were able to clear 1 x batch per day. A batch 14er can only dream. :stuck_out_tongue: :smiley:


It is important to note that they are not “available” yet. As far as I can see, they are all listed as “Coming soon”


Oh what a dream …
As a Batch 12er, I’m supposed to be at the end of Q1. If they can do things at the rate they have been doing the FW13 AMD units you might squeeze back into Q1 - can always live in hope … :smiley:

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Every time there is a new post on this thread, I get excited that it will be the preparation email :frowning:


You are not alone … :sob:


Happy new year B1 buddies. Based on the last email I’m going to go ahead and get my hopes up that we’ll be seeing shipping emails the week of the 16th. Best of luck to us all in 2024.


Happy new year let´s get some Grate Laptops soon.

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You batch 1 folks are brave. I got a batch 3 FW13 and (although I love it) it felt a little under cooked. I’ll be watching to forum from time to time to see the wrinkles as they get ironed out.
:saluting_face: :+1:

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What batch did you feel where the FW13 was fully cooked?

FW16 Batch 5 here. :sweat_smile:

And have FW done good by the early batch owners to fix up any issues found later without further costs to the ownets?

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Good question. I think it was fully cooked when they released the Intel 12gen processors and latest BIOS updates. Some things like the wonky headphone jack, cards not being read, power hungry HDMI card, charging and battery problems, and other such things weren’t a deal breaker, but just a little mushy in the middle. None of my problems ever really got in my way so I never reported them. (I know, I’m part of the problem.)
Now I’m batch 15 in the FW16 line. I think it will be different with the FW16 because this is not their first rodeo anymore. But who knows.


Well, I would certainly hope that the various problem fixes that have been applied to the FW13 will feed through into the FW16, especially the BIOS fixes. And I would hope that the current BIOS fixes for Gen 12 Intel would feed through into all the others, both FW13 & FW16.

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I also had a batch 3 fw13 and it was undercooked.

Batch 3 of the 11 gen 12,13 or AMD?

i did not have many complaints with my 11 gen Framework.