FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Update on the Linux Keyboard situation:


We know you’ve been patiently waiting for your Framework Laptop 16 order and we sincerely apologize for the delays in getting it shipped out to you.

After review, your order contains a keyboard module that is experiencing a manufacturing delay which is delaying your order from shipment.

The affected keyboard modules are:

  • Framework Laptop 16 RGB Keyboard - Clear ANSI
  • Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard - International English - Linux
  • Framework Laptop 16 Keyboard - Blank ANSI

To determine next steps, we’ll need your input to allow us to properly process your order. Listed below are the two options available to you:

  • If you would like to keep your order as-is, please let us know, and we’ll prioritize your order for shipment once all required modules are brought into inventory. Please note that there is an expected delay of several weeks before it can ship out to you as we are still awaiting delivery of the modules listed above at our Taiwan 3PL (3rd Party Logistics) partner from manufacturing.

  • If you would like to expedite shipment of your order to have it shipped as soon as possible, you will need to select a keyboard module not listed above and we will make this edit on your behalf. Once we’ve successfully captured the final payment on your order, you will receive confirmation via email. Once you order ships, you’ll receive another email containing the courier tracking information.

We’re very sorry that it’s taken this long to address the supply chain shortage that held up the shipment of your order. As you are one of the earliest adopters of the new Framework Laptop 16, we hope that you are as excited to receive your new laptop as we are to get it into your hands.

  • The Framework Team

Framework Support

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Not necessarily. It’s not unlikely that they didn’t know the extent of the situation until very recently. Supply chains, especially new ones, can be treacherous. I work in manufacturing and this isn’t nearly as shocking as it is frustrating to those affected like yourself.


In my case I would rather have both keyboards and be able to swap them as I see fit. I also don’t want to have to try to grab the backordered keyboard when it comes back in stock. Historically items have sold out quickly if one did not catch them in time.


Just had my email come in too (Linux keyboard, no macropad).

This is a disappointing result for sure, and personally it absolutely tempers the excitement around receiving the laptop. I acknowledge there’s an apology given for how long it took to address the supply chain issues here, but that doesn’t lessen the disappointment given that these keyboards were originally expected to arrive “early February”.

Now I guess it’s just deciding whether to switch to something else or indulge the sunk cost fallacy of “but if I swap now I wasted that time”.


Considering the extra shipping costs and the cost of the spacers (however minimal that may be on their end) I’m very happy with the solution to ship without the Macro pad. I ordered an RGB keyboard (US).

My heart goes out to all of those who have more parts that have been delayed as well as framework staff who are probably pretty stressed by now. I’m running up against an extended deadline myself at the moment.


My order contains both the Macro Pad as well as the Linux keyboard but with my response to the email I also requested an order alteration. I’ll (hopefully) be switching out the Linux keyboard for the also delayed, Clear RGB keyboard which likely has almost the exact same production pipeline as the macro pad. That way one of you other lucky Linux users that don’t have a macro pad in your order might get your order that much sooner.

Yea I got my support email. Linux keyboard is my problem. I’m gonna try to sleep on it whether or not to switch to regular US keyboard.

I planned from day 1 to use Linux on it, daily drive it regularly. Haven’t touched windows in years now.

Sure I could switch and put a sticker on or something and buy the Linux one later… but I’m already paying a bunch for the laptop, do I want to spend an extra $60 for the Linux keyboard to fix a preference issue caused by external delays?

But then there’s the phrase ‘several weeks’ that just hurts. I’m selfish and wish they put more transparency there. Are all the modules together? Are they all affected exactly the same? How long is several weeks expected to be?

Maybe I’ll respond to the email tomorrow with those questions.


I replied to my email asking to switch to the regular US keyboard. My reasoning is: I’ve waited this long and I’m getting impatient. At least once I have the laptop, I can purchase the Linux keyboard separately once they come up for sale and list the regular keyboard up on eBay to recoup some of the cost.

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I’m not gonna pile on too much and state the obvious that finding out a month later that these are delayed “several weeks” more is kind of a kick in the stomach, but at least they finally acknowledged it.

I ended up asking to switch to the standard english keyboard so I can get the laptop ASAP.

I asked, if possible, to allow me to receive the clear ansi as soon as it does come in stock. That’s the least they can do (and yes, I’ll pay the shipping for it if need be). I really do want that clear RGB keyboard and already ordered keyshorts stickers (with linux penguin) for it.


Where did you order keyshorts stickers (with linux penguin). This is something I will probably do.

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See this post:

I placed an order and then sent an email to the keyshorts guy asking if they would use a linux penguin instead of windows logo. They accepted.

I also sent them this svg image, but not sure if they used it or another they had.

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I am going to wait on the Linux keyboard for a couple of reasons:

  1. January and February tend to be some of my best months for getting side projects done. The next few months, March and April, tend to be rather busy from a scheduling standpoint so active side projects tend to get involuntarily delayed during this time frame. This scheduling oddity is also why I had such a negative reaction to the February series of delays.
  2. I would rather get an expensive system such as this one right the first time. I really don’t want to spend $60 in the future because a pre-order part was delayed.
  3. Maybe I’ll get lucky and my Linux keyboard will ship early because the part arrived ahead of schedule and everyone else switched to the non delayed variant.
  4. I can relax now that I know the reason of the delay and that it will probably be another month or two before I hear anything. I get a bit anxious when a promised date on the calendar (e.g. “early February”) gets missed without any update given. It’s an unfortunate side effect of doing project management for over a decade.
  5. If something catastrophic happens during the extended wait period, I can probably get support to switch out the Linux keyboard with something more immediate.

Good luck everyone!


I plan on doing something similar but I’m going to wait until I’ve had mine with the macro pad for a while. I’m going to be running linux for the first time and I can’t decide whether to go with Tux or the Linux Mint logo in lieu of the windows key. Also need to decide what I’m going to have on the macro pad as I’m going to use it primarily as a number pad with extra keys.

Now I am very confused, I did receive the same email about the keyboards. But I don’t have that keyboards in my order :face_with_monocle::sweat_smile:

I have just a normal English International, nothing special.

Should I reply to that email?

Weirdly, I got the same e-mail and I also don’t have any of the delayed items. I do have the normal International English keyboard (with the Windows key) though.

So, either they made a boo boo and incorrectly held back laptops with the normal International English as well (not just the delayed Linux ones) or there is a problem with the normal International English keyboard as well.

I’m hoping it’s the former, so I replied this information and asked them to ship my laptop. We’ll have to see what their response will be.

I just gave up, asked them to change from linux to international keyboard :slightly_frowning_face:
I can’t wait “several more weeks” at this stage.

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Same for me: Got the e-mail mentioning the Linux keboard despite ordering the regular one.

I just replied that I’m confused now and asked them for clarification whether the regular keyboard is also affected.

Sometimes i’m a little bit suprised about expectations.
You’re an early adopter.
There are problems with new products EVERY time.
And the probability that you have one of them is nearly 100%
And it won’t get better if a lot of them changes their orders and the whole planning how much of this or that is needed to fullfill the different batches.
Framework is not a billion dollar company and you are buying a modular product.

Yes there is a lack of communication in the first place.
But they also said, that there a so many tickets (changing orders), that they have to focus.

And i my case i would write framework a mail, after the 30 day shipping window.

And yes, i would also be frustrated but i wouldn’t change the order, because having spare products, which i don’t need, is expensive produced waste. And for what? Have the product 1 week earlier in a configuration i don’t like? nah


Same here. I also let them know I thought I ordered the vanilla International English keyboard, and hope that one is readily available. We’ll see.

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That makes since, This will be my first Framework as I don’t like small laptops the 13 was never for me.