FW16 Batch 1 Guild

Must be time to set up a Batch 2 Guild thread …


Maybe. But as a Batch Fiver, I’d still be out of place, lol.

As a batch 11 here, I salute yall for manning the front line for us :saluting_face:


still not youtube reviews , i wonder why its taking so long for the youtubers to get their package , i mean they said they have sent it to youtubers for reviews its been week they should have got it by now . or they are restricted that not to post any review till date xxxxx ??

Yeah, I’m not really annoyed but definitely anxiously awaiting the day the reviews drop.

Hoping for the best, as this laptop really is the laptop of my dreams (besides the GPU being a little weak, but at least that’s fixable down the road).


It’s quite possible they were asked to wait until a certain date to release reviews. Sometimes companies do that not just to control when the reviews release, but also to give reviewers a fair shot. If you give the machine to 10 reviewers and one of them is able to crank out a review (or just release a half-baked review) days before everyone else, they may get more traction than everyone else. If you ask them not to release a review until X date, it gives everyone a chance to get a review ready by then.

It’s also possible that there’s no “embargo,” but that reviewers want to put in some time and testing before releasing a review. I’d probably not only want to run benchmarks and battery testing, but just use the machine for at least a week before I’d post a review of a laptop. Then recording and editing the review itself. Could just be that.


Has Framework ever said anything publicly about an embargo? Would they?

No but afaik there was an embargo on reviews of the
Framework 13 AMD, lifted on October 3rd. So it would also make sense for there to be an embargo on the FW16. In any case, not long now


There is an embargo. We just don’t know what it is. PC Mag commented from their CES coverage (over a week ago now) that the have a FW 16 back at the office for full review. Another YouTuber (Just Josh) made a comment about “can’t wait for the embargo to lift” to tell us more.

Also, more results keep showing up in geekbench for the FW 16.

Reviewers are definitely getting a lot of time to put their reviews together. I know with other products they sometimes only have a day or two (or even hours). Hopefully that means we will see some really good in depth reviews.


Ditto here, batch 2 and excited to finally see reviews

what do u mean by finally ?? have anyone posted review ?

Sorry that was more meant as a “excited to see them soon I hope”, I misspoke

Don’t worry, we’re all so anxious to see anything, we get excited at the slightest hint of reviews :wink:


If you got the higher end 7940 instead of the 7840, why did you?

Did you look at benchmarks beforehand? Is there something else being missed?

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My logic, which could be flawed, was:

  • just get the best thing quick, want to be in first batch!
  • make the rest of the investment last as long as possible
  • better performance at lower TDP

I don’t remember there being any reviews of the platform when I had to pull the trigger.


I’m in Batch 4 and your service as beta tester is greatly appreciated! :smile:


I wasn’t aware that’s a thing with the 7940. Do you have any sources for that?

I think he means that typically its better binned. So you have a higher chance of getting a CPU that needs less voltage boosting to reach a certain clock speed.

Basically the low bar of what fails QA is a higher on the 7940.
Although if you look at the spec difference, the QA bar probably isn’t much higher.

As you can see in its specs, the 7940HS has support for the “Curve Optimizer Voltage Offsets” allowing for further tuning, Sadly, this feature also has to be supported by the mainboard and in that regard the Framework Laptop 16 seems to be lacking, so the biggest merit of the 7940HS in comparison to the 7840HS seems to be unusable.

I’m writing this in an ambiguous way, because I haven’t seen an official announcement regarding the support of this feature yet. But the fact, that it would have been in Framework’s own interest to announce the support of said feature as soon as possible to boost sales makes it very unlikely for it to be supported.

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Feel free to pick it apart, I didn’t have good information, just ideas when I saw the FW16 announcement email and felt like I had zero seconds to make a decision. After I was locked into batch one I didn’t think I could change it without losing my place so I’m basically considering it a get-it-early-premium at this point. I think the analysis that the benefits are difficult to quantify and that the cost isn’t worth it are correct. I figured I would share, since the question was asked, but I don’t intend to defend the decision or screw up my place in line :slight_smile: