FW16 Batch 13 Guild

I found the email-- was sent 25 April, into my dumpster fire of an inbox and marked as spam. :sob:
I would’ve switched the card if I saw that earlier. :man_facepalming:

I just had to pay the remaining amount manually because automated payment was declined.

I also received my 32Gb pair of Crucial RAM sticks yesterday, and since I’m planning on reusing my current laptop’s SSD for now, I’m reaaadyyyy!

Apart from switching from tlp to ppd, are there any known issues with transplanting an SSD from an aging Intel 8th gen system or should I reinstall Fedora just to be safe?

I think the pending is when the payment at the till is sent straight to your account, and it doesn’t come off pending until the supermarket makes an ‘official’ take of the money.

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I got my tracking number!


What Country will your Laptop be delivered to?

It’ll be headed to the US. Which, form what I have seen in previous batches should be very fast

I also got my shipping number! I’m in California, can’t wait

Got mine 6 minutes ago :smiley:

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No tracking email here. Order Status Pre-Order Confirmed still. :frowning:

When did you order? My order was placed Oct. 14th. I believe, they go straight through the orders, so if you ordered yours later, it most likely also will be processed later. If not today, then next week for sure.

Yeah, also not seeing a tracking notification. I placed my order on 09/10/2024 (dd/mm/yyyy) and I’m based in the UK. I wonder if maybe the geographical regions are being shipped at different times? I see most who have their tracking number are NA-based - @Coro_Dedd where are you?

In that case, I don’t know, why mine got shipped before yours. I’m in Germany, estimated arrival is Wednesday the 8th.

Hmm, makes sense - maybe this delay in shipping is yet another excellent benefit of Brexit :wink:


31 Oct, then it still feels like it will take that long

I ordered mine in the 29th of October. I also haven’t gotten a tracking number. But the transaction finally appear on my online banking…
I am already coping with a delivery mid next week xD

got mine. estimated day may 7th

still no tracking number, ordered mine on 28th of October.
Maybe they also build one design after another?!? So for example all without dGPU and US-Keyboard, then with dGPU and so on…

How many people are in a batch?

Yeah, possibly - my config is the Ryzen 7 with 2x16GB, UK keyboard, numpad and no dGPU, in case it’s useful.

I think that nobody (buyers) knows.
I could be wrong, but you question has been asked before, and I haven’t seen a knowing answer.