FW16 Batch 19 Guild

Got my shipping email! FedEx says it’s going to arrive on Monday!

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Im hoping it arrives Friday or Saturday for me, but I haven’t even gotten the shipping info yet, so outlook isn’t great. If it doesn’t arrive Friday or Saturday, I have to wait a whole other week before I can get it since I can only get it on weekends

Mine’s arriving tomorrow!


Yes. The suspicion is that they batch up similar spec/destination together as a pallet load for shipping. Pallet loads to a given general area then seems to get shipped approximately weekly, e.g. a pallet to NA early in week, a pallet to Europe later in week, another pallet to NA next week is my interpretation of the shipping I have seen.


Germany here.
Exited waiting for the tracking details.

Mine is to arrive Friday in the state of Florida (Atlantic side) of the US. Ordered April 5th w/o anything “special” other than a numpad; no memory or storage.

Damn, mine is planned for the 10th of June :frowning: Shipping to France

mine coming on the 7th , ordered my laptop on the first of april

Mine is shipped and should arrive on Friday, New York.

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Ugh :weary: !! No shipping notification yet. I am THRILLED for everyone else but eager to get mine!


I’m in the not shipped yet club too :frowning:

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Same. Maybe if I keep spamming refresh on my order status screen and inbox it will speed up the process.


Im also still not shipped and I’m northeast US. Still constantly checking my email, hoping

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Yep, I also haven’t gotten a shipping notification, but my card’s charge was pending yesterday and has now been approved!

I’m in WA state and got both expansion bay modules, numpad module, extra spacers, extra expansion cards, DIY edition, etc. I’m guessing my laptop will be shipped later in the batch since it sounds like complicated/extra orders take longer. But I can always hope I’m wrong!


I’m in the same boat. Fairly complicated DIY order with lots of extra bits. Charged yesterday as well.

You are not alone in the boat. I’m also eagerly awaiting my shipping notification. My credit card was already charged yesterday. However, my order is relatively simple. DIY, without RAM, SSD and charger. However, I have subsequently changed my expansion modules.

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Also a DIY order with a lot of stuff in it. Charged yesterday, not shipped.

When did y’all order your laptops? I ordered mine on the tail end of batch 19 so I’d assume I’m going to be last to receive mine.

Yeah, I ordered mine around the last week of batch 19

Ordered mine on April 11th