FW16 Batch 19 Guild

My purchase confirmation is from 4/20/2024. Not sure if that’s at the beginning or end of batch 19. No shipment yet.

Mine will arrive in Florida USA this Friday! Just checked shipping and it has already made it through Alaska past customs. I ordered mine without storage or ram with nothing fancy added. Don’t know if that’s why it shipped so fast.

Ordered Mar 31.
It’s already in Anchorage and released from customs, planned arival Fri before 12 pm.

Shipping notification sent this morning. DIY, with RAM and storage, shipping to mid-Atlantic US. Ordered 4/15. Package hasn’t moved yet so no estimated delivery date. Hopefully the rest of Batch 19 gets their notification soon.

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Got my shipment notification just a few min ago. Says it’ll arrive on the 10th. So sad, I was really hoping I’d be able to get it this weekend, but I guess I’ll have to wait until the next one.

got my shipping notice too (uk, email says it was sent about 45 mins ago), estimated to arrive on the 11th, lucky i already had the day off (though knowing my luck itll arrive while im out on the 10th lol)

Shipped! ETA - June 10th (Pennsylvania, USA)

Ordered April 7th
Custom Order with both expansion options and a bunch of modules and spacers.

Woke up to find shipping details! ETA Monday June 10 (Missouri). We’ll see. :slight_smile:

Somewhat complex DIY ordered April 15.

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Just got the shipping email this morning! Looks like mine will also get here the 10th

+1 for June 10th, Boston.
April 8 order.

I ordered mine 4/20/2024, so it was probably right at the end of batch 19. But I got an update! The shipping notification came this morning, and it says my expected delivery date is 6/10/2024.

Mine is out for delivery today 6/6. US - VA. Expected delivery within 2 hours. I’ll update with a photo when it arrives.

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Got my shipping notification 5 hours ago. Says it’ll be here Monday.

Same. I’m really looking forward to it


I’m in batch 20 and ordered on the 25th April, so I guess you’re one of the last in Batch 19 and I’m one of the first in batch 20. I narrowly missed out getting my laptop a week or two earlier :frowning:

Bummer! At least it seems like production is speeding up. Maybe batch 20 shipping won’t be too far behind!

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It’s here!


WOW congrats, wish mine came in today… send us a picture of the laptop after your done :confounded::grin:

I’m building it right now, and I absolutely will!

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Have fun, enjoy the new machine. Mine is still reluctant to leave the production facility, no shipping confirmation yet.

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