FW16 Batch 19 Guild

Yay ive never been so happy to see less in my account

Card Charged! Super excited!! LETā€™S GO!!!

anyone know when were gonna get tracking info? i need to make sure i can have someone at home to collect it

Card charged as well. In Boston. Letā€™s seeā€¦

I can see the pending charge, they almost have my money!

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My card has the payment pending

I got charged too! (payment pending)

I just checked my card, no charge yet. Itā€™s mind-bending to be disappointed that I havenā€™t been charged for purchase.

Does your cardā€™s app show pending payments? Mine is still pending and hasnā€™t been fully processed yet. It might not show up for some people, depending on whether their card company makes that data available to users.

Have you checked the framework website? Does it say that your card has been charged? On my profile it does say that the full amount has been paid and I can see the amount reserved on my CC.

Yep. You nailed it. My Framework account shows no balance. The fact Iā€™m following a purchase this closely is a little unnerving. All will be better when it shows up.l!

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Now itā€™s a race to see who gets it first! :slight_smile:
Iā€™m shipping to Missouri, Iā€™ll be pleasantly amazed if I get it before the end of the weekend, but anytime next week is good for me too. Iā€™m excited!

Iā€™m shipping to Colorado, we shall see how fast this is :pinched_fingers:


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do they send them out in sub-batches, i havent received a shipping email yet


Mine just got shipped! Tempted to meet it halfway so I can get it sooner :laughing:


Same, no shipping notice yet here.

Sadly no shipping email yet.

Mine has shipped!!! Letā€™s go!!!

Shipping email received! Yeepa

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