Super happy with the build, and it took a lot less time than I thought it would. Less of a build it yourself, and more of an, install a couple components. Now the hard part is, what OS do I go with? I love windows 10, but for one, they are getting rid of it soon, and two, windows has become a sucky company over the years. I’m thinking of Linux, but I have zero experience with that. IMG_2724|690x388
I have 0 experience with Linux myself, but I’m going to try it with this laptop for the same reason and to just feel like I have full ownership of this laptop.
I have put Win10 on a 256GB 2230 drive that I picked up for a son on eBay, to use when I absolutely have to use windows because stuff won’t run on Linux using Wine. I have put Linux on a 4TB 2280 drive.
I guess I need to commit to an OS too. Kind of thinking I’ll run Windows 11 (yuck, but I can make it work for me with tweaks) & maybe have Linux on a second drive.
Mine stopped in Anchorage at about the same time. Wonder if they’re just swamped/seeing delays there generally. Well, my dreams of getting it this weekend seem far fetched, but at least it’s in the same country as me?..