FW16 Batch 21 Guild

So is mine on a plane right now? Or is it going through some customs processing

the us bound laptops should get to anchorage in just under 2 hrs

yea i just looked at some of the schedules online and that checks. thanks for the enlightenment. seems a crazy route though

pretty sure its not the keyboard b/c mine is uk layout

No idea then, I have a Ryzen 9 with UK keyboard which have both been shipping and that’s about it, no clue what the hold up is, hopefully tomorrow will be the day.

laptop was on that fedex flight, just got the tracking notification

Does FedEx tell you when the package is going through customs or just when it arrives at a hub?

yep they do, just popped up for me. it also let me sign for it in advance

got tracking. it’s in alaska with an expected delivery date wednesday. mabye with some luck i might get it tuesday night.

How long does the shipment import take?

I’ve placed 5 or 6 framework orders and only once was it delayed in Alaska. The delay resulted in delivery one day past the original estimate

Are there any FedEx flights right now from anchorage to LA? or is there an extra stop somewhere in between

Spacers are printing just in case. Macro pad I ordered seperate showed up today USPS

there is a flight, but only at about 3 am anchorage time, if you got tracking info at ~4pm its either going to Memphis or Indy.

See all routes.

I’m not going to be home for a few days when the laptop gets here but my brother will be. Do I pre sign for the package or just let him sign for it when it gets here?

either will work

Ok. On the pre signing page it says recipient name. What do I put in this box if I was going to pre sign?

just put your name since by pre signing they will deliver it like any other package. also since its indirect signature required, you could put Peter Griffin and they probably would still deliver it

No email yet but a tracking number has been registered!