FW16 Batch 21 Guild

Fwiw, I’m in the UK and just got a tracking number with an estimate of 22-25, which given the 22 is a Saturday I’m guessing means Monday.

And what’s this about presigning for a package? Isn’t that like checking in to a fight before you’re at the airport? It makes no sense, why bother with the ritual if you let people vouch for things that haven’t happened yet? I will sign for it when it arrives and not a moment sooner, I don’t want FedEx leaving my laptop somewhere and when it gets stolen saying “well, you signed for it, so :person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:

I’m also UK, my tracking number just updated with a Friday estimate. Lets hope!

ordered june 14 and charged the same day. now waiting for shipping details

Got my shipping notification today, so excited.

Mine still showing in Alaska.

i mean I live in a pretty rural area so nothing gets stolen from my doorstep to be honest, it just makes things quicker (like checking into a flight before im at the airport)

Looks like FedEx only fly to Anchorage from Taiwan? so I guess my Laptop is on today’s FX14? Timings seem to line up.

if you got an “on the way” notification on the travel history at 8:31 pm local time then id venture to suggest your laptop is on that flight

Fedex is still telling me they expect to deliver today before 5pm, but it only left Indianapolis this morning, and I’m in Oregon, so I’m pretty sure Fedex is lying. By probably by tomorrow!

Apparently not, mine has just arrived in the Philippines apparently, not sure how it got there I don’t see any relevant flights, maybe another airline.

That is a stop on the way to Europe. It goes Taiwan->Phillipines->China->India->Dubai->Paris before seperating out into individual destinations.

Will my laptop still make it to me tomorrow? It’s still in Alaska and I’m in California

Might even get it tomorrow here in the Netherlands.

My laptop is at the local fedex center but hasn’t moved in about 6 hrs. Was supposed to get here before 12 but they updated the estimate to be before end of day. So close!

Mine just arrived in Guangzhou, based on people’s tracking from yesterday I think the next leg will be FX5030 departing for cologne at 5AM

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Is it. Normal for this to happen? Will my laptop still get to me by tomorrow?

Yes it’s normal, mine did basically the same thing (just shifted a day earlier). No one can tell you whether FedEx is going to meet their estimate or not. They still claim mine is going to arrive in the next couple of hours, but I have a feeling it’s going to get pushed to tomorrow.

got mine early today! i just got it built. thanks batch 21!

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