FW16 Batch 4 Guild

Just delivered! Packaging was great (condition and design)




How long did shipping take? This batch 5ā€™er is interested.

I reveived the ā€œpreparing for shipmentā€ email on 3/7, tracking # (in a ready for pickup state) on 3/14. Taiwan => AK on the same day, GA on the 16th and at my door on the 18th (but there was a weekend between GA and my home)

Holy quick reply, Batman! :laughing:

Thatā€™s not bad, honestly. Four days for shipping? Damnā€¦

I havenā€™t seen a Gumi sticker in ages! I loved your sticker choices (and yes, the laptop is very real)

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Mine is out for delivery. Delivery window is the next hour. Iā€™m getting too excited every time a FedEx truck drives by. Working from home has its downsides if I was at an office I wouldnā€™t be so distracted right now.

should have added a state for received :slight_smile:

Is that a Bocchi sticker? Thatā€™s awesome!

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My 16 was just delivered. Now I just have to finish my school dayšŸ„³

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heck yeah, Iā€™ve been stockpiling stickers Iā€™ve been sent in preparation for my framework XD


Thatā€™s amazing. I need to get some stickers for my laptop(s).

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Mine just arrived during a zoom meeting. I got up and showed everyone my PJā€™s because I didnā€™t want the Fedex driver who rang the doorbell to leave with my package!

Now all my coworkers have seen my pajamas, but Iā€™m one FW 16 richer.


Mine was charged just now \o/

Itā€™s a config with R9, dGPU, Linux KB and a RGB Macropad.
I got a deal on a 64Go kit of the compatible KS FURY RAM that should arrive before the end of the week so itā€™s all coming together nicely.

And now the real waiting challenge begin ^^

The beagle has landed! Got mine about an hour ago. Put in my RAM and SSDs to make sure everything was recognized, and good to go there! Have to wait until later to install Windows and such, though.

Neat stickers. I know itā€™s exciting, but nothing to lose your head over, Mami Tomoe!


Box arrived - now to spend rest of the week re-installing software from the other machine

Can someone pass on a big thank you to the team who designed the packaging - box was a lot stronger than expected :slight_smile:

just wish numeric keypad was backlit to match main kbd - but that is me being picky


The numpad does have a backlight, just hit enter with numlock off


thanks for that :slight_smile:

Just got charged!

And youā€™re in batch 4? :frowning_face: not the news I was looking for from batch 5.