FW16 Batch 4 Guild

I am, but I’m suspecting that I’m really far down on the list.

Mines arrived but it’s not booting up :pensive:. No amount of reseating the connector will get me past this screen

Gotta love Windows not loading AMD drivers. :partying_face:

edit: I did find the driver package later, but c’mon. Who reads instructions? lmao.

That cable was weird to connect, did you mash the contacts on accident? jw.

Wdym? I just pressed down on the connector, I hope I didn’t break it lol

Look at the connector contacts. Are they all bent and gross?

I just mashed mine down too but it didn’t feel good in hindsight.

Apparently some of us from batch 5 got moved back as well, judging by how the charging went.

Hmm the pins themselves seem nice and straight

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Initial impressions:

-Comparing to my previous laptop (MSI GS75 Stealth), this is quite a bit narrower, but a bit longer with the GPU module (probably about the same length with the empty shell, but I didn’t get that). I’m fine with this.

-It fits into my old laptops backpack barely! But it won’t fit while inside the CushCase I got for extra protection. Might be time to get a new backpack, haha…

-I’m not feeling any flex with the keyboard. However, I did notice several rubber pads under the middle plate, so did they already implement that fix after early report of issues?

-I don’t find the screen flex to be terrible. In fact, I think there’s less flex than with my MSI laptop.

-However, I do wish the touchpad module had a groove in it, making it easier to lift up the screen.

-Like most others, I’m finding the touchpad spacers to be quite uneven with the touchpad module. It’s not massively inconvenient, but we’ll see if I find it annoying when typing. I do kinda hope they’ll just make a full-width module to replace it with.

-I think the speakers are pretty good. At least when compared to my MSI laptop, I think the Framework speakers sounded better when testing with Crab Rave (because of course I had to test with that).

-I really want a blue screen bezel. Not a sky/light blue, but either a medium or navy blue.

I still got a lot of work ahead of me (transferring files over, installing programs, etc), but so far I’m quite impressed and am looking forward to the future of Framework 16!


Can you choose “skip and boot” like with an external mouse or something, and then install the driver package? I feel like I read where some people had this issue and once they skipped and installed drivers, it went away. Unless I’m mixing this up with another problem, but I think it was the same issue you are having.

Edit: Sorry, just noticed that it says a short press of the power button will skip it and let it boot.


Yeah I can skip it, but unfortunately the keyboard itself and the touchpad are nonfunctional. I’m able to boot up to my USB stick’s ISO file but I can’t interact with it as I don’t have a keyboard on me at the moment :frowning:

Bummer, sorry. I did some searching and couldn’t find what I was thinking of, so it’s possible that I was thinking of a different issue. I did find a thread where someone had the same issue almost a month ago and asked if they ever figured out the issue. I know one or two people had spacer modules (which have dummy connectors that just bridge the gap) where the little contact pads were installed upside down. Maybe look for that, just in case? At least that would be an easy fix (they said the contact pad is just held on with a couple screws and is easy to flip). If nothing else, you might have to start a support ticket.

Hopefully it’s something easy and you can get it sorted out quickly.

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I ordered a numpad so no spacer modules here haha. The ones on the bottom don’t have any pins so I’m assuming they’re fine. I’ve opened a support ticket and we’re just going through some troubleshooting processes right now. I hope it’s an easy fix too, but I’ve already waited 8 months what’s a few weeks more

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Yeah the packaging is amazing. I just opened the box and wow!!

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I think the touchpad spacers also count.

Yeah; that’s not a mess of bent pins like I was kinda hoping for.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you on speedy resolution. :crossed_fingers:

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4 days?! I’ve got mine in 2.5, from Taoyuan, Taiwan to Hamburg, Germany. :smile:

Nice. I got mine in…oh wait. Apparently I got kicked back a batch :frowning:

My condolences…

I’m really starting to just look at alternative options. I could replace my MacBook, or go for another high-end Windows machine.