[RESPONDED] AMD Batch 1 Guild

From something I read somewhere else on site, they will hold an order until all items to fulfil it are present so that they do only one shipment (which makes sense to keep shipping costs down), so I would expect a blend from one batch to the next as peripheral items go in and out of stock.

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So given the :point_up_2:. Has anyone from batch 2-3 gotten any email about getting charged and shipping yet?

I’m still holding on hope for batch 5 to go out before the first of December

I can only speculate, but overlap between batches should be minimal aside from a few stragglers where they are low on a particular component in the order (but in this case anyone in the subsequent batch would also be delayed on shipment). When I ordered the first time I remember some of the last of a batch order shipping around the same time the next batch were receiving their “Preparing your batch” emails. Given the allegedly increased production capacity in AMD this round, I wouldn’t be surprised if “Preparing your batch” emails go out while we’re still shipping the previous batch, but I wouldn’t expect to be charged or shipped before most of the previous batch is out the door.

Edit for some pointless prophesying: If they keep to the 1-3 week timeframe alluded to in the Batch 1 emails, I’m guessing most of the rest of Batch 1 will be charged by early next week and ship by the end of next week, Batch 2 should get an email update any time now. Again, only guessing here.

Second edit: I was charged today around 3PM, so faster than I predicted. No complaints here.


me, after receiving the mainboard kit one day early:


Just replaced my mainboard. Remember to disable Secure Boot from the F2 menu if you’re running Linux, or your drive will not boot!

EndeavourOS booted with no issues (I made sure to update to the newest kernel before swapping, just in case). I uninstalled intel-media-driver, intel-gpu-tools, and vulkan-intel, and everything looks good!

The old 11th-gen board is going up on the wall mount as the new media server. I forgot to order an ethernet expansion card so it just has a cheap USB C → RJ45 dongle hanging off of it, lol


My FW is out of for delivery a day early!

Edit: It’s here!


If they have extras of a particular SKU once they’ve fulfilled all the batch 1 orders for that SKU, they may begin shipping those extras to batch 2 customers while they finish production on the remaining SKUs for batch 1. As far as I know, that’s only ever happened once (early during the 12th gen launch) because the preorders tell them how many of each SKU they need – it only happens if they overshoot their yield targets.

TL;DR, I wouldn’t get your hopes up.

I’ve finally been charged! Never been so excited to pay for something lol

For reference, I’ve preordered the mainboard as soon as it was available


I was hoping the shipping to aus would be quick but it’s been chilling in Singapore for almost 24 hours now. definitely won’t arrive today. looks like Monday for sure at the earliest.

any aus bros got more exciting shipping updates?

Hey folks, I was charged just now, 8-core ryzen MB + wifi preordered 1h after announcement, USA.

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In the heart of Texas, under vast open skies,
A card was charged, a laptop prize.
“Payment complete!” the email did say,
A Framework Laptop’s on its way.

From Sutter St., where dreams take flight,
To Texas lands, by day or night.
“Ships Q3,” the details read,
With visions of Ryzen in my head.

Awaiting now the shipment’s trace,
A tracking number, to embrace.
Free shipping, a generous token,
A promise by Framework, unbroken.

In the hustle of digital spree,
Framework stands tall, by the sea.
A pre-order journey, soon to end,
With a laptop, a new tech friend.


19 posts were split to a new topic: AMD RAM issue

Finally been charged too, ryzen 5, DIY laptop in the UK

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Laptop got delivered a day earlier than FedEx estimated. (OH, USA)

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Meanwhile the UPS delivery that was supposed to show up today is delayed until tomorrow :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Received the “Payment Complete” email.
Pre-Built, Ryzen 5
Pre-ordered March 26 (for reference)


I have also been charged. Mainboard in the UK.

Silly question. How on earth do you quote someones post?

Batch 1 7840U mainboard kit payment confirmed 2 hours ago. Excited!


So, to give some early feedback after using my Framework for a few days. So far my Crucial 96GB kit seems to be working fine (CT2K48G56C46S5?). I do have some issues with the 6.5 kernel on my Gentoo install. I expect the BIOS update and/or future kernels to fix that though, since that behaviour seems to be mostly documented. For example whenever I start Steam, it crashes the amdgpu driver with some IBS error. I’ll probably try the 6.6 kernel soon (or figure out which patch might be relevant from the Ubuntu OEM kernel). Interestingly Firefox, Wayland, etc seem to be working fine, but Steam crashes the kernel reliably on startup. At some point that seemed to crash the whole system, with fun blinking lights on the charge port, keyboard and power button not working, etc, but that resolved itself after a few minutes. But yeah, that is what you get to deal as an early adopter of exotic configurations and so far it isn’t much worse that the permanent issues I had on my previous ASUS laptop (where it didn’t crash Steam, but instead had a black screen and no USB after suspend, so…).


Just use your cursor to highlight the portion of text you want to quote and a little popup will appear that says "Quote. Click that and you’re all set.