[RESPONDED] AMD Batch 1 Guild

7840U mainboard finally charged


mine has just been bouncing around Singapore for the last day.

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hope it’s at least getting to some good Hawker Centres…
But think you’ll get it on monday!

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Ordered this kit… Thanks for sharing!


this is the kit I got. can anyone 100% confirm that this will work and run at full speed?

There’s a post about it on reddit. OP said it works fine.

Although, if you look at the AMD RAM issue thread, someone with the same kit has reported errors so I guess we’ll have to wait and see.


@demounit I can 100% confirm that my laptop isn’t booting currently with that kit: CT2K16G56C46S5 . Not sure what the root cause is and I submitted a support request. I’ll report back here what I find out. Here’s hoping for user error.

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Thats the kit I’m using, and its running at full speed


So for anyone curious, since I got this on monday, i wrote down all the random things I’ve done since then, its sort of a review but sort of a random list of things i did.

here is the post if anyone is interested, might help others who are receiving it soon.

if sharing this is against the rules or something, sorry just delete it.


I just assembled my framework laptop this morning. There are a couple of problems I have encountered:

  1. the laptop did not post at the beginning, but after bunch of praying to the repairability god and setting up a shrine using ifixit tools, things magically worked…

  2. the fingerprint hardware was not recognized by Fedora 39, I followed this guide https://github.com/FrameworkComputer/linux-docs/blob/main/13th-gen-fingerprint-reader-firmware.md . Despite the output complained that the process failed, fingerprint works flawlessly after that.

  3. booting into x11 is super slow, and it always automatically boot into x11 after boot. I have to log out and then select the wayland session.

  4. this baby crashes like nobody’s business, especially with flatpak electron apps on wayland. I have experienced crash with signal, slack, freetube; and megasync would freeze after I selected th local sync folder.

  5. adding to previous, there are several types of crash, sometimes the app would crash, sometimes the DE would crash and then recover, sometimes the entire DE would crash and put me into a blank screen with a cursor (not even the terminal), I can type but cannot execute any command.

  6. it is hard to imagine flatpak electron apps still do not work out of the box on HiDPI wayland… This is not the fault of framework, but just some of my complains…

Overall, this laptop seems to have a lot of potential (I havent hear the fan spin once during the entire day of tinkering, nor is the laptop hot), but at this point, with fedora 39 BETA, the experience feels like very much unfinished. Hopefully 3.03 firmware can fix it.

At this point, I probably have to go back to my 5 years old windows laptop, and wait a whole minute for my tex document to compile…

I would be happy to provide more detailed diagnostics, if it is helpful! Hope he software and firmware will become more polished in the coming weeks.


hahaha #4, for me i don’t have many crashes, just a LOT of freezes over in ubuntu

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Did you go with Ryzen 5 or 7? The link @TheTRUEAsian provided contains Ryzen 5…

Edit: Nevermind, Ryzen 7, according to your earlier post.

Did you happen to recall if your memory slots felt a little looser than normal?

Unlikely to make a difference as the memory controllers are the same unless you’re trying to identify defects with a particular batch.

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Yeah it was a bit looser at least compared to my previous laptops.

Charged! First time poster, long time lurker
Via poll, looks like about half charged, wouldn’t be suprised if its past that by now
Very excited


That’s good to know. I was just trying to see if there was a pattern. No such luck!

Thank you for the reply! That’s encouraging; may just be the RAM then.

Any prayer or incantation in particular? I’m willing to try anything to see the logo at this point…

May I introduce you to percussive maintenance curtesy of the Framework brick?

In all seriousness, you’re returning your RAM right? Might just be best to wait for a new kit of RAM and if that doesn’t work, then it might be a defect with the mainboard.

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Have you read this guide yet? My Framework Laptop (Intel 11th Gen Intel® Core™) is not powering on You can use the LED light on the side to see the boot process.

The light only comes up after around a minute, and blinks really quickly, I have to restart several to read the code. After several restart it magically posted.

Yes, and I have a new (to me) kit on the way. Should be here by Sunday.

But the damn thing is sitting there mocking me, you know? “All frame, no work! Better luck next time, buddy!” The taunting is getting a little out of hand.

I seem to recall 1st Ryzen being real tricky, too. So I’ve been rebooting every so often to see if some magic happens…


@Todd_Freeman 's kit is 5200 I believe instead of 5600, so different kit but very similar.