Shipping dates FW 16

No shipping confirmation or card charges, also Batch 1.

32GB RAM - 2X16GB
SN850X 2TB
RGB US English
Black Bezel
LED Matrix
and a handful of expansion cards


No charge or email yet, but that’s to be expected since I ordered both the RGB Macro pad and the RGB keyboard :sob:


Also batch 1 but Germany and no mail or charge on CC yet.
DIY 7840HS, no GPU, no RAM, no SSD, German keyboard and Numpad (but changed from macropad as soon as the news of possible delays came out).

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Tuesday morning Taiwan time is coming up in a few hours, so hopefully we’ll see a handful of emails/charges going out.


Batch 1 RGB keyboard, overkill preset up with numpad (no macro) and lavender spacers, no email yet. California.

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I do hope they e-mail at least a day before charging one’s card. But it is getting exciting to see that Batch 1 is going out the door. While I am annoyed that I had to wait almost 4-5 months, I am glad they fixed the product before shipping it out. Good on Framework for (I am assuming learning their lesson from Gen 1 13" Laptop).

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DIY 7840HS, no GPU, RGB keyboard, no charged email yet. - Illinois

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There seems to be a lot of confusion about this messaging.
Yes, some batch 1 orders won’t ship until march, but only certain keyboard options are affected. And they won’t just sit around and do nothing while they wait. The production facility doesn’t have to wait on anything, because they don’t need any keyboards to build “finished” devices.
They might be going into batch 2 manufacturing right now, or at least right after NY. The finished devices without appropriate keyboard can sit in a warehouse somewhere and be shipped once the parts arrive. That might slow down the shipping of the current batch at the time a bit, but batch 3 or 4 might be shipping even though batch 1 technically hasn’t finished yet.


I’d actually expect they’d want to do final testing with the keyboard so I think it might not be quite as quick as that, but otherwise I agree.

Update here. I was just charged. No shipping notification yet but I think I snuck in just before the Lunar New Year!


I suspect the charging and arranging whose order gets shipped next is done at Head Office, which I believe is in the USA, so that office won’t be closed for the Lunar NY.

I could be wrong though.

it’s currently 7am on the 7th in taiwan, so i reckon the last set of batches is shipping within the next 8 hours

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If you are charged today, your order is most likely going to be shipped before the Lunar New Year!


may we know that how many users are in each batch ? 50 , 100 ? , please so that i can do math with my fingers lol


No. That’s commercially sensitive information.

They haven’t released exact details, however given what Framework has shared I think it is reasonable to estimate batch 1 (the smallest batch) to be way larger than that.

On another platform it was shared that in the 3 days following the announcement that certain keyboards and the macropad has delays, 30% of batch 1 requested order modifications. On one of those three days Framework had 159 order modification requests.

If we assume that those 30% were equally spread between the 3 days, none of the order modification requests were from outside of batch 1, and no batch 1 member submitted multiple requests, that would calculate to 1590 people in batch 1. Those are some pretty big assumptions and my guess would be that it’s actually around 1000. But I don’t actually know.

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I had been thinking to myself that the batch sizes would be in the 1500-2000 range, so that sits well with your figures.

If they can work on getting around 1500 units out each week that will be a pretty good endeavour.

Maybe I better get my order mods in for Batch 12 …

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Framework Laptop 16 User Reviews

Hey folks. Since Framework Laptop 16 is now shipping, the original question on this thread has been answered! With that, we’ll be closing this thread.

If you want to talk about your order, or the shipping timeline for it, please do so in the guild thread for your batch. I’ll be updating the links below as I find the threads, so please search if there isn’t one for your batch.

Batch 1
Batch 2
Batch 3
Batch 4
Batch 5
Batch 6
Batch 7
Batch 8
Batch 9 (not found)
Batch 10 (not found)
Batch 11
Batch 12
Batch 13
Batch 14
Batch 15
Batch 16
Batch 17